Lunes, Agosto 24, 2015

                 HOW TO CREATE BLOGSPOT

Step 1. “Create a Gmail account”

Step 2. “Sign in to gmail”

Step 3. “create a new tab and type

Step 4. “click New Blog

Step 5. “ To design your blog, click more option and click Lay out  and also you can change your template.”

Step 6.” to post a picture go to start posting or new post

Type a post tittle and click the insert image and select a file on your folder.”

After selecting a file, click a save arrangement.

Step 7.“ To add gadget, go to lay out and click   Add a Gadget”

Step 8.“ To link your friends or classmates, just click add a gadget in your lay out and select add link. Type your Tittle chose the sorting and type the name of your friends and the URL of their blogspot, and click add link and then save.”

Step 9 .“  To post your personal bio data by using  configure text on adding a gadget, just select the TEXT and click the plus logo. Type  your  tittle and the Content text of your personal bio data and then SAVE.”

after adding gadget or editing and save , you can view your blogspot just click the "view blog" or by create a new tab and type your blogspot name.

Lot of gadget you can add  in your blog, it depends on you how to 
design to make it beautiful or creative design on your blogger